“Release That Watermark!” – MASS UN-WATERMARKING program added!

I have the pleasure to announce two new releases of the
“Release That Watermark!” watermark manipulation kit:

  • Python version of the kit: version 4.0
  • Executable (+ C source code) version of the kit: version 2.0

These releases include new stuffs, bug fixes, a bit of code refactoring.

You can download the latest releases here: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/qkxpmudgvszm4/ReleaseThatWatermark!

Honestly, this reverse-engineering of the watermarking process is quite fun.

I now deem the kit fit enough for a wider use in the scanlation community.

It is still improvable, though. Feel free to make forks or your own
implementations if you have the skills (or if you want to grow such skills).

I will try and teach some scanlators how to use it, now.


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